MMIW Chahta Annual Women in Leadership Conference

By MMIW CHAHTA (other events)

Wednesday, September 13 2023 12:00 PM 3:00 PM CDT

Event Details - September 13th 12pm - 3pm

( Lunch provided)

Come Grow with us and listen to powerful Native Women speak Empowerment and Growth into you. We hope that this event will allow you to see no matter where you come from demographically, financially or culturally, no matter the trauma you have endured you can start a new life and conquer your goals. We hope to bring inspiration, strength and a networking opportunity to you. Please join us and meet the wonderful women we have to lead us :

Shauna Smith - Specializes in Domestic Violence Prevention and intervention. Values of date rape prevention, HIV, STD and pregnancy prevention.

Kara Bacon - Comes to us with a Juris Doctorate from the University of Oklahoma College of Law with an emphasis Native American Law. She handled many cases including juvenile delinquent, deprived, criminal felony, and criminal misdemeanor cases, and later primarily prosecuted violent crimes and sex crimes. she coordinated Community Response Team and the “Together We Heel” walk to raise awareness about domestic violence and raised funds to provide services to victims of domestic violence and is now the lead prosecuting Attorny for the Choctaw Nation.

Brenda Golden - is a Native attorney that came from poverty and abuse and fought hard to overcome her circumstances. Brenda graduated law school at 51 with two advanced degrees and now owns her own law firm.

Diana Clark - Is a missile Operator for the US Army

Beck Touchin (PENDING) - Is on the new Mexico federation of Native Women and is a tribal field rep for the US House of representatives.

Taylor Stewart - Is a DV survivor, a mother of 5 children, a speaker against post partum, PTSD, anxiety, depression and DV. She is a strong advocate for suicide awareness and mental health and is a social media influencer with 30,000 followers